
Thursday, April 18, 2013


We've had an eventful few months during our stay in England, visiting family and friends and getting work done on the boat. I am writing this on the yacht which is on a hard standing with the wind howling in the rigging and the boat vibrating from it's force. What better time to update the blog. 

Yesterday we lifted the boat out of the water to get her bottom sprayed, loosening off the weed that has a tendency to grow on your boat when you are lower in the water than the anti-fouling reaches. Unfortunately for us when they sprayed the bottom of the hull some of the anti-fouling came off right down to the metal of the hull, that's not what you want to see when you spent a shed load of money in the caribbean getting her re-painted and anti-fouled, grrrrr. I hate shoddy workmanship, it makes you feel really ripped off when you have spent so much money on the work being done. OK rant over. We are having a patch up job done by the yard here for several reasons; A) we can't afford the money, at the moment, to get the bottom of the boat sorted out correctly and B) we can't afford the time it would take to sort out the bottom of the boat. 

We have just four more days to get the boat over to France before Scrubby has to go away to work again. So now we are waiting on two things, firstly for the bottom of the boat to be finished and secondly the weather. It's blowing a hoolie out in the channel (on shore as well). I think the storm is over Scotland at the moment but it's affecting us here at the southern part of the UK as well. It would have to abate quite a bit before we could attempt a crossing. I bought some more sea sickness tablets yesterday I wouldn't want to be heaving my insides out!!!!!

We have asked several of the family to make the crossing with us but have had refusals all round. This is a shame for us because with shorthanded sailing even one more person on board would make a huge difference to how tired we feel when we get across the channel and with Scrubby rushing off to work the difference to him is huge. I get to sleep it off but he has to fly off to his next job already tired. He's a champ, I admire him greatly.  

On a sad note despite my inner hopes Mr B never found his way back to us/me. I always look out for him whenever I'm in Hereford (where he went missing from) but it's just not to be. I'm so sad about this and miss him so much. In tribute to my piggy I'll end this post with a picture of him.

Keep well x 

Piggy wearing my flip flops.

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